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Good News! Molecular Biology and Genetics at Qingdao University rank among the top 1% in the world for the first time.

According to the latest essential science indicators (ESI) released by Rui Wei’an, Molecular Biology and Genetics at Qingdao University have been ranked among the top 1% in the world for the first time. This subject became nineth on the ESI list of subjects taught at Qingdao University and fifth on the ESI list of subjects taught in the Department of Medicine. The subject has been the topic of 1,037 articles, and it has been cited 15,381 times.

Introduced by ISI in 2001, the ESI is a basic analysis and evaluation tool for measuring the performance of scientific research and tracking trends in scientific development. It is widely used around the world to evaluate international academic levels and the influence of academic institutions and universities. ESI is divided into 22 subject areas according to the characteristics of discipline development. It ranks the total number of citations of papers published by various institutions around the world in the past decade. Those ranked among top 1% in the ESI are regarded as high-level, world-class international disciplines.

The subject of molecular biology and genetics at Qingdao University focuses on the cultivation of highly cited papers and the construction of a team of highly cited scholars, focusing on the fields of nucleic acid biology and epigenetics through the strategy of “quality rising together.” The number of completions in this subject has increased from 15% to 108% in the past five years.

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