毕业于军事医学科学院获博士学位,随后留院任助理研究员,在德国医学研究机构Max-Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine任Medical Researcher 10年,入选中国科学院“百人计划-国外引进杰出人才”,为研究员、博士生导师。现为青岛大学转化医学研究院院长、教授、博士生导师。
从1986-1989年主要从事于神经元衰老的研究,发现超氧自由基是造成神经细胞衰老的最初启动因子。从1990-1994年主要从事于自由基生物医学研究。在国内和国际学术刊物上发表10余篇有关抗氧化酶氧化修饰的研究论文,在这一领域的一系列研究曾获军队科技成果二等奖(排名第一)。随后主要从事心血管疾病研究,研究工作发表在Molecular Cell, EMBO Journal, Nature Medicine, Nature Communication, Circulation, Circulation Research, PNAS, MCB, Gene & Development等国际著名杂志。其中发表在PNAS和Nature Medicine的文章分别入选为2009、2011年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文。研究成果获中华医学科技奖二等奖,北京市科学技术奖三等奖。
1. 心肌细胞死亡调控机制
2. 心肌细胞肥大调控机制
3. 心肌干细胞与心肌细胞再生
4. 心脏线粒体动力学的分子机制
5. 非编码RNA与心脏疾病
1. Wang K, Liu F, Liu CY, An T, Zhang J, Zhou LY, Wang M, Dong YH, Li N, Gao JN, Zhao YF,Li PF*.The long noncoding RNA NRF regulates programmed necrosis and myocardial injury during ischemia and reperfusion by targeting miR-873.Cell Death & Differentiation. 2016 Jun; 23(8):1394-405.
2. Wang K*#,Long B#,Liu F#,Wang JX,Liu CY,Zhao B,Zhou LY,Sun T,Wang M,Yu T,Gong Y,Liu J,Dong YH,Li N,Li PF*. A circular RNA protects the heart from pathological hypertrophy and heart failure by targeting miR-223.European Heart Journal.2016 Jan; pii: ehv713.
3. Wang JX#, Zhang XJ#, Li Q, Wang K, Wang Y, Jiao JQ, Feng C, Sun T, Zhou LY, Gong Y, Zhou ZX, Liu J, Wang JL,Li PF*. MicroRNA-103/107 Regulate Programmed Necrosis and Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Through Targeting FADD. Circulation Research. 2015 Jul; 117(4): 352-63.
4. Wang K, Zhou LY, Wang JX, Wang Y, Sun T, Zhao B, Yang YJ, An T, Long B, Li N, Liu CY, Gong Y, Gao JN, Dong YH, Zhang J*Li PF*. E2F1-dependent miR-421 regulates mitochondrial fragmentation and myocardial infarction by targeting Pink1. Nature Communications. 2015 Jul; 6: 7619.
5. Wang JX#, Gao J#, Ding SL#, Wang K#, Jiao JQ, Wang Y, Sun T, Zhou LY, Long B, Zhang XJ, Li Q, Liu JP, Feng C, Liu J, Gong Y, Zhou Z,Li PF*. Oxidative modification of miR-184 enables it to target Bcl-xL and Bcl-w. Molecular Cell. 2015 Jul; 59(1): 50-61.
6. Wang K#, Liu CY#, Zhang XJ#, Feng C#, Zhou LY, Zhao Y*,Li PF*. miR-361-regulated prohibitin inhibits mitochondrial fission and apoptosis and protects heart from ischemia injury. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2015 Jun; 22(6): 1058-68.
7. Wang K#,AnT#, Zhou LY#, Liu CY#, Zhang XJ, Feng C,Li PF*. E2F1-regulated miR-30b suppresses cyclophilin D and protects heart from ischemia/reperfusion injury and necrotic cell death. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2015 May; 22(5): 743-54.
8. Wang K, Liu CY, Zhou LY, Wang JX, Wang M, Zhao B, Zhao WK, Xu SJ, Fan LH, Zhang XJ, Feng C, Wang CQ, Zhao YF,Li PF*. APF lncRNA regulates autophagy and myocardial infarction by targeting miR-188-3p. Nature Communications. 2015 Apr; 6: 6779.
9. Wang K#, Liu F#, Zhou LY#, Long B, Yuan SM, Wang Y, Liu CY, Sun T, Zhang XJ,Li PF*. The Long Noncoding RNA CHRF Regulates Cardiac Hypertrophy by Targeting miR-489. Circulation Research. 2014 Apr; 114(9):1377-88.
10. Wang JX#, Jiao JQ#, Li Q, Long B, Wang K, Liu JP, Li YR,Li PF*. MiR-499 regulates mitochondrial dynamics by targeting calcineurin and dynamin-related protein-1. Nature Medicine. 2011 Jan; 17: 71-8.