2018年毕业于首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院,获得博士学位。2018.8-2023.6于中国科学院动物研究所从事博士后研究。2023年8月进入青岛大学转化医学研究院工作。致力于研究组织损伤修复的代谢调控机制,主要的研究方向为:(1)开发单细胞质谱成像技术以及高分辨空间代谢组学数据分析技术;(2)以肌肉干细胞为研究对象,研究骨骼肌再生的代谢调控机制,为肌肉衰减综合症的预防、诊断和治疗提供新的思路;(3)利用代谢组学技术平台研究心肌损伤、心肌肥厚和心衰等心脏疾病代谢重塑的机制,寻找早期的诊断标志物以及治疗方案。迄今为止,累计发表SCI收录论文13篇,研究内容发表在Sci Adv, Adv Sci, Cell, Cell Death Differ, Gastroenterology等国际著名Top期刊。论文累计引用次数达到170余次,发明专利4项;主持山东省自然科学基金项目等项目,参与科技部重点研发计划项目和多项国家自然科学基金项目。
[1] D.N. Yu*, H.F. Wan*, C. Tong*, L. Guang*, G. Chen*, J.L. Su*, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z.Y. Xiao, J.L. Zhai, L. Yan, W.W. Ma, K. Liang, T.Y. Liu, Y.F. Wang, Z.H. Peng, L.F. Luo, R.X. Yu, W Li#, H.M. Wang#, S.C. Ng#. A multi-tissue metabolome atlas of primate pregnancy. Cell. 2024 Feb 1;187(3):764-781.e14.
[2] L.F. Luo*, YJ.B. Chua*, T.Y. Liu*, K. Liang*, MW.J. Chua, W.W. Ma, J.W. Goh, Y.F. Wang, J.L. Su, Y.S. Ho, C.W. Li, K.H. Liu, B.T. The, K. Yu, S.C. Ng#. Muscle Muscle Injuries Induce a Prostacyclin-PPARγ/PGC1a-FAO Spike That Boosts Regeneration. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2023 Jul;10(21):e2301519.
[3] L.F. Luo, W.W. Ma, K. Liang, Y.F. Wang, J.L. Su, R.R. Liu, T.Y. Liu#, S.C. Ng#. Spatial metabolomics reveals skeletal myofiber subtypes. Sci Adv. 2023 Feb 3;9(5): eadd0455;
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[5] C.W. Li, K. Yu#, S.C. Ng#, Z.M. Jiang, T.Y. Liu et al. Pathogenesis of sarcopenia and the relationship with fat mass: descriptive review. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2022. 13(2):781-794.
[6] T.Y. Liu*, S.Y. Zhang*, C.W. Huang, S.H. Ma, R. Bai, Y. Li, Y. Chang, C.Hang, W.J. Lu, F. Lan#. Microscale grooves regulate maturation development of hPSCCMs by the transient receptor potential channels (TRP channels). J Cell Mol Med. 2021. 25(7):3469-3483.
[7] T.Y. Liu, S.C. Ng#. Oncofetal SALL4-drived tumorigenesis is highly dependent on oxidative phosphorylation, revealing therapeutic opportunities. Gastroenterology. 2019.157(6):1475-1477.
[8] S.L. Qiu*, T.Y. Liu*, C.M. Piao, Y. Wang, K. Wang, Y. Zhou, L. Cai, S. Zheng, F. Lan#, J. Du#. AMPKα2 knockout enhance tumour inflammation through exacerbated liver injury and energy deprivation-associated AMPKα1 activation. J Cell Mol Med. 2019.23(3):1687-1697.
[9] N. Cui, F.J. Wu, W.J. Lu, R. Bai, B.B. Ke, T.Y. Liu, L. Li, F. Lan#, M. Cui#. Doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity is maturation dependent due to the shift from topoisomerase Ⅱa to Ⅱb in human stem cell derived cardiomyocytes. J Cell Mol Med. 2019.23(7):4627-4639.
[10] B.B. Ke, Y.J. Zeng, Z.H. Zhao, F.S. Han, T.Y. Liu, J.Y. Wang, A. Khalique, W.J. Lu, J. Chong, F. Lan#, H, He#. Uric acid: a potent molecular contributor to pluripotent stem cell cardiac differentiation via mesoderm specification. 2019. 26(5):826-842.
[11] T.Y. Liu, C.W. Huang, H.X. Li, F.J. Wu, J.W. Luo, W.J. Lu, F. Lan#. A net-shaped multicellular formation facilitates the maturation of hPSC-derived cardiomyocytes through mechanical and electrophysiological stimuli. J Cell Mol Med. 2018, 10(4):532-548.
[12] T.Y. Liu*, Y Cheng*, X.Y. Qin#, L.C. Yu#. Pharmacologically inhibiting GluR2 internalization alleviates neuropathic pain, Neurosci Bull 2015. 31(5): p. 611-6
[13] X.P. Yang, T.Y. Liu, X.Y. Qin, L.C. Yu, Potential protection 2,3,5,4'-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-beta-D- glucoside against staurosporine-induced toxicity on cultured rat hippocampus neurons, Neurosci Lett 576 (2014) 79-83.