2018年毕业于浙江大学医学院生物化学与分子生物学专业,获得理学博士学位;后继续在浙江大学开展博士后研究工作,并获浙江大学李达三•叶耀珍再生医学发展基金资助。2024年1月进入青岛大学转化医学研究院工作,主要从事运动肌肉骨骼系统的稳态维持及疾病的机理研究,研究成果以第一作者发表在国际高影响因子主流期刊Cell Death and Differentiation, Cell Discovery, Stem Cells等。作为项目负责人,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,中国博士后自然科学基金面上项目及山东省自然基金青年项目等。
1. Cong, X. X.#, Gao, X. K. #, Rao, X. S. #, Wen, J., Liu, X. C., Shi, Y. P., He, M. Y., Shen, W. L., Shen, Y.,Ouyang, H. W., Hu, P., Low, B. C., Meng, Z. X., Ke, Y. H., Zheng, M. Z., Lu, L. R., Liang, Y. H., Zheng, L.*, and Zhou, Y. T*. (2020) Rab5a activates IRS1 to coordinate IGF-AKT-mTOR signaling and myoblast differentiation during muscle regeneration. Cell Death and Differentiation 27, 2344–2362.
2. Rao, X. S.#, Cong, X. X.#, Gao, X. K. #, Shi, Y. P., Shi, L. J., Wang J.F., He, M. Y., Xu Y.K., Yi C., Meng, Z.X., Lu, L. R., Lin P. *, Zheng, L. L*., and Zhou, Y. T*. (2021) AMPK-mediated phosphorylation enhancesthe auto-inhibition of TBC1D17 to activate Rab5-dependent Glut4 translocation and glucose uptake. Cell Death and Differentiation. 28, 3214–3234
3. Cong, X. X. #, Rao, X. S.#, Lin, J. X. #, Liu, X. C., Zhang, G. A., Gao, X. K., He, M. Y., Shen, W. L., Fan,W., Pioletti, D., Zheng, L. L., Liu, H. H., Yin, Z., Low, B. C., Schweitzer, R., Ouyang, H., Chen, X. *, and Zhou, Y. T*. (2018) Activation of AKT-mTOR Signaling Directs Tenogenesis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Stem Cells 36, 527-539.
4. Gao, X. K. #, Rao, X. S. #, Cong, X. X. #, Sheng Z.K#, Sun Y.T, Xu, S. B., Wang, J.F., Liang, Y. H., Low, B.C., Lu, L. R.,Bao Z*, Zheng, L.L. *, and Zhou, Y. T*.(2022) Phase separation of Insulin Receptor Substrate 1drives the formation of insulin/IGF-1 signalosomes. Cell Discovery. 8 (1): 60
5. Lv, X. H #., Cong, X. X #. Nan, J.L #, Lu. X.M, Zhu. L, Q., Shen, J., Wang B.B., Wang Z. T., Zhou. R. Y.,Chen. W.A, Su. L., Chen .X*., Li Z.Z*. and Lin Y, Y*. (2022) Anti-diabetic drug canagliflozin hinders skeletal muscle regeneration in mice. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica .43:2651–2665;
联系方式: congxiaoxia1217@163.com