博士毕业于中国科学院生物物理研究所,致力于基于质谱的蛋白质组方法学研究及其在生物学领域的应用。2012-2014年期间在美国在美国南加州大学Zilkha神经遗传学研究所从事博士后研究,聚焦神经突触信号传导网络在发育过程中的组织结构及其动态变化,相关研究成果发表在Nature Neuroscience和Science Signaling等知名期刊。
1. 与脑发育及精神疾病相关的神经突触蛋白互作网络研究;
2. 突触蛋白复合物在神经-肿瘤相互作用中的作用与机制研究;
3. 基于肿瘤干细胞和类器官的精准医疗应用研究。
1. Yin L., Xu YL, Mu J, Leng Y, Ma L, Zheng Y, Li RZ, Wang Y, Li PF, Zhu H, Wang D, Li J. CNKSR2 interactome analysis indicates its association with the centrosome/microtubule system, Neural Regener. Res., 2024, https://doi.org/10.4103/NRR.NRR-D-23-01725.
2. Li J. Proteomic analyses of the mouse brain, Methods Mol. Biol., 2024, 2794:105-120.
3. Yu Y#, Leng Y#, Song X, Mu J, Ma L, Yin L, Zheng Y, Lu Y, Li Y, Qiu X, Zhu H*, Li J*, Wang D* Extracellular matrix stiffness regulates microvascular stability by controlling endothelial paracrine signaling to determine pericyte fate, Arterioscl Throm Vas, 2023; 43(10):1887-1899.
4. Li J, Xu YL, Zhu H, Wang Y, Li PF, Wang D. The dark side of synaptic proteins in tumours, Br. J. Cancer, 2022, 127(7):1184-1192.
5. Xu YL#, Mu J#, Zhou ZX, Leng Y, Yu YL, Song XY, Liu AH, Zhu H*, Li J*, Wang D*. Expansion of mouse castration-resistant intermediate prostate stem cells in vitro, Stem Cell Res. Ther., 2022, 13(1):299.
6. Xu YL, Song XY, Wang D, Wang Y, Li PF, Li J*. Proteomic insights into synaptic signaling in the brain: the past, present and future, Mol Brain, 2021, 14(1): 37.
7. Li J, Zhang W, Yang H, Howrigan DP, Wilkinson B, Souaiaia T, Evgrafov OV, Genovese G, Clementel VA, Tudor JC, Abel T, Knowles JA, Neale BM, Wang K, Sun F, Coba MP*. Spatiotemporal profile of postsynaptic interactomes integrates components of complex brain disorders. Nat Neurosci. 2017; 20(8):1150-1161.
8. Li J, Wilkinson B, Clementel VA, Hou J, O'Dell TJ, Coba MP*. Long-term potentiation modulates synaptic phosphorylation networks and reshapes the structure of the postsynaptic interactome. Sci Signal. 2016; 9(440):rs8.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:DLGAP1蛋白复合物对乳腺癌脑转移关键受体NMDAR的磷酸化调控作用及机制研究
2. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目:CNKSR2在突触信号网络中的组织结构及其在精神疾病发病机制中的作用研究